高校 アジア学生交流プログラム(Asian Student Exchange Program: ASEP)で金賞を受賞しました


 12月27日・28日、台湾・高雄で開催されたアジア学生交流プログラム(Asian Student Exchange Program: ASEP)に、本校の高校生4名が高雄市立中正高級中學との合同チームで参加しました。本番ではアジア各地からの多くの学校のSDGsに関する優れたプレゼンテーションや文化的なパフォーマンスを鑑賞しました。


On December 27th and 28th, four students from Ritsumori participated in the Asian Student Exchange Program (ASEP) held in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, collaborating as a joint team with Kaohsiung Jhong-Jheng Senior High School. After a day of sightseeing in Taipei and receiving a warm welcome from their host families in Kaohsiung, the students spent two days working hard on practicing their presentation about the topic of ‘Spreading Awareness and Prevention of Cyber-Bullying.’
During the actual event, the students watched many excellent presentations on the topic of SDGs and enjoyed cultural performances from schools across Asia. Despite feeling nervous, the students gave their best and delivered an excellent presentation, which earned them a gold award!
During their time in Taiwan, the students overcame the heat, heavy workload, language barriers, and culture shock. They grew, learned, and actively participated in a valuable international exchange.