中学 オランダ交流プロジェクト Holland Postcard Exchange Project 



 This academic year in first grade English TT classes, every student wrote a postcard to a student in first grade of Alfrink College (Junior High School) in the city of Zoetermeer in Holland. The students wrote about themselves and their families, the things they liked and their lives in Japan. This gave students a chance to practice vocabulary and grammar they had learnt in their English Classes. It also motivated them to look up new words and grammar to express what they want to say. 198 postcards were shipped to Holland along with some rice cracker (senbei) snacks for the students in Holland to enjoy.
 After a few months, we received a box from Alfrink College. Inside were postcards addressed personally to each student in first grade along with a souvenir; a colorful miniature clog (traditional Dutch footwear) keychain.
 All the first grade students were excited to receive their postcard and present. They spent a whole English class reading the postcards, looking up new words, asking questions about English and the culture in Holland. All the students said they wanted to keep in touch with their new friends. We hope to continue this project next academic year by moving it online.